
Masonic history is vast and one of the most written about non-fiction topics, and yet in the 21st century, there has been dozens of new discoveries in research about the origins of modern Freemasonry.

Yet, despite the sound research, there are numerous misconceptions and because of the centuries of myths perpetrated since is modern conception–and some perpetrated by Masons themselves.

For example, with the advent and recent celebration of the grand lodge in England being formed 300 years ago officially creating modern Freemasonry, there are contrary views to this. Without also examining the history of lodges in Scotland and Germany before the 18th century,

Masonic history can examine various strings of relations:

Origin theory – Who, when, and where did modern Freemasonry begin?

Ritual history in wording, rubrics, and symbolism – Who and what was involved in creating the various workings of Masonic ritual? How has it evolved?

Grand lodge history – How did lodges form grand lodges and those grand lodges form other grand lodges? This is particularly rich in the United States, Canada, and Australia where each state or province formed its own grand lodge from another one.

Political and world history – Which Masons were involved in political and world events? This includes royal lineage, war, and conflicts dating back hundreds of years.