Prior to becoming a brother of Ivanhoe Lodge, an accepted candidate is provided with 1) an assigned mentor, and 2) reading material, both provided to assist him with questions on Freemasonry and the expectations of a Mason. Once initiated, the candidate is provided with another section of the reading material that explain some of the customs and traditions of Masonic protocol, history, and symbolism. The mentor is not necessarily the candidate’s sponsors or the degree work coaches, but yet another brother the candidate can interact with and discuss various topics of Freemasonry. After progressing through each degree, the candidate is not only provided with more material related to that degree, but the required memory work in order to recite in the lodge prior to advancing to the next degree.
Education Enlightenment
“Make a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge”
As of 2015, each regular meeting agenda of the Lodge begins with an education presentation by a lodge brother or visitor. If the presenter is not a Mason or he or she prefers to defer to after the close of the meeting, this is granted. Presentation topics have varied from reflections and discussions on Masonic symbolism, ritual, esoterika, protocol, and history, to topics by experts on personal health, and science such as evolution and cosmology.
Several brethren of Ivanhoe are members of the Edmonton Masonic Speakers Bureau who provide presentations to Masonic lodges and other orders upon request.
Masonic Spring Workshop
Every April, brethren of Ivanhoe visit the Kananaskis Masonic Spring Workshop to partake in friendship, socialization, education and training sessions. Each year features a keynote speaker and guest author, an amazing Masonic bookstore, and prime Alberta food all set in the glory of the Alberta Rocky Mountains. Click here for more information.
Myths of Freemasonry
This webpage gives an excellent account and list of the myriad of Masonic myths and refutations: