
Western Canadian Grand Lodges

The Grand Lodge of Alberta

Northern Lights District

The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon

The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan

The Grand Lodge of Manitoba

Masonic Concordant Body

Royal Arch Masons of Alberta

Norwood Chapter No. 18, Royal Arch Masons

Masonic Appendant Bodies and Clubs

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Canada

Edmonton Valley

Grand Council of Cryptic Rite Masons Royal & Select Masters of Western Canada

Zohar Council #4 – Edmonton
Alberta Lodge #2, Royal Ark Mariners – Edmonton

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada (Knights Templar)

Preceptory No. 46 – Edmonton

Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada

Yellowhead Council #220, Allied Masonic Degrees, Edmonton

Borealis Council UD, Allied Masonic Degrees, Edmonton

Al Shamal Shriners of Edmonton

Local Youth Groups

Alberta DeMolay – DeMolay is a character development organization for young men between the age of 12 and 21. What seperates DeMolay from other youth groups is that DeMolay is run completely by its youth membership.

Job’s Daughters – Job’s Daughters is an organization of young women between the ages of 10 and 20 who are related to a Master Mason, and share a common bond.

Masonic Interest

Masonic Spring Workshop – The biggest and best annual Masonic gathering in North America. This three day casual, fun event, takes place every April in the beautiful and majestic Rocky Mountains in Kananaskis Village, Alberta.

Internet Lodge of Research – The only Internet lodge in Alberta, based in Calgary but open to all Alberta Master Masons.

The Widows’ Sons Masonic Motorcycle Association (Alberta Chapter) – A fun interest group.

The Masonic Society – A North American based Masonic research society.  Membership ($35/year) open to all Master Masons in good standing of a regular lodge.

Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry – An Italian-based site but worldwide in scope. Here you will find the most comprehensive online library of Masonic articles from around the world.

Freemason Information – A U.S. based ‘magazine’ style website with blogs, articles, and information about Freemasonry.

Quator Coronati Lodge of Research – Featured downloads from The Premiere Lodge of Research from the United Grand Lodge of England.