Ivanhoe Lodge will be having an Entered Apprentice degree this Thursday March 18, 2010. Join us, won’t you? Lodge tyles at 7:30 pm followed by a hearty festive board, free for visitors.
Explaining Freemasonry
One of the most difficult questions Masons get asked is “What is Freemasonry?” Not only that, there are many myths and misconceptions that people have about what we do.
On Thursday March 4, 2010, join the brethren of Ivanhoe at their regular meeting where an educational talk on “Explaining Freemasonry”.
Lodge tyles at 7:30pm with a hearty festive board to follow.
Past Masters’ Night
Brethren, come meet us on the level for Past Masters’ Night where you’ll find a solid, experienced team of former Worshipful Masters putting on a Fellowcraft degree for a brother.
Thursday February 18, 2010
Edmonton Freemasons’ Hall
Lodge tyles at 7:30pm
Sir Sandford Fleming – The Father of Standard Time
Bro. Fleming made a proposal 121 years ago today… from Wikipedia.org:
After missing a train in 1876 in Ireland because its printed schedule listed p.m. instead of a.m., he proposed a single 24-hour clock for the entire world, located at the centre of the Earth and not linked to any surface meridian.[2] At a meeting of the Royal Canadian Institute on February 8, 1879 he linked it to the anti-meridian of Greenwich (now 0°). He suggested that standard time zones could be used locally, but they were subordinate to his single world time. He continued to promote his system at major international conferences, including the International Meridian Conference of 1884. That conference accepted a different version of Universal Time, but refused to accept his zones, stating that they were a local issue outside its purview. Nevertheless, by 1929 all of the major countries of the world had accepted time zones.
On February 4th at Ivanhoe’s next regular meeting, one of our Past Masters will be giving a presentation on “e-Masonry — How the Internet has affected the Craft” and highlight some of the tools and websites out there about the Craft and how you can get involved.
Master Mason Degree by “The Emblems of Mortality”
On Thursday January 21, 2010, 7:30pm, Ivanhoe Lodge will be having a Master Mason degree, but this time and for the first time in our Lodge, it will be put on by The Emblems of Mortality Degree Team, consisting of brethren from various lodges in the Greater Edmonton area. Ivanhoe invites all Master Masons to attend and witness their fine degree work. Visit their website here: http://www.mastermason.com/eom/
Auld Lang Syne
At our most recent regular meeting, our trusty Junior Warden, who originally hails from Scotland, gave a presentation on Bro. Robert Burns, whose birthday is this month on January 25 and is celebrated with events at many Masonic lodges around the world, and Edmonton lodges are no exception. Have a read of a short article on here about his famous song “Auld Lang Syne”.
Lodge Theme for 2010
Thank you!
The Officers of Ivanhoe Lodge would like to thank all the members and visitors who attended this year’s most memorable Installation and Investiture. Your presence enhanced the festive evening, which once again concluded with the brethren linked in a circle singing Auld Lang Syne.
As a lodge, Ivanhoe had a fantastic year, with new and old faces coming together in Masonic ritual, an enlightening education program, and well-attended and fun social events.
More details on the coming exciting year will be revealed soon. Always stay tuned to this website, which will provide more features and interactivity in the coming months.
Installation & Investiture
The Worshipful Master-Elect
Bro. Martin Brown
and the Officers and Brethren
Ivanhoe Lodge No. 142
cordially invite you to attend
their annual
Thursday December 17, 2009
to be held at
Freemasons’ Hall
Edmonton, Alberta
Lodge tyles up to the 3rd degree at 6:30 pm
Installation ceremony at 7:30 pm
Banquet to follow
$15 from juniorwarden@ivanhoe142.org
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