65th Anniversary of D-Day

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The brethren of Ivanhoe Lodge remember the courage and sacrifice of the men and women who served during World War II.  In particular, we recognize and remorse the thousands of our Masonic brethren from all over the world who lost their lives on this historical and unforgettable day.

Bro. Gordon Wright (pictured as he looked then), from our Lodge, and a WWII veteran who served with the Canadian Navy, was there.

You can read an interview with him here.

This is a program from the Commemorative Ceremony at the Alberta Legislature on June 6, 2004 where our brother was honoured and spoke to the crowd gathered.

This is a remarkable story in the Wainwright Mainstreet about Bro. Gordon meeting and touring with a former German POW who’s u-boat was sunk by the HMCS Swansea, but members rescued by the crew.

They shall grow not old,as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.

We will remember them.

Ivanhoe raises three

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On Thursday May 21, 2009, three trusty Craftsmen were raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason and proved-up in fine form.  A great turn out with the DDGM, visiting brethren, with old and new Ivanhoe members being on hand to partake and witness superb ritual work by officers and members.  The festive board afterward was a Mexican night with fajitas, tacos and all the fixin’s! Excellent fellowship and enlightening conversation.

Our next degree will likely be on Thursday September 17, 2009 for Ivanhoe’s Annual Builders’ Night with brethren from various lodges in the construction and building industry partaking in the degree team.

3rd Degree – Thu. May 21st

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We would like to invite all brethren to come on up to Ivanhoe Lodge for a Master Mason degree on Thursday May 21st at 7:30pm at Edmonton Freemasons’ Hall on 103 Street and 100 Avenue.

Masonic Spring Workshop 2009

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On April 17-19, 2009, seven brethren from Ivanhoe Lodge No. 142 attended this year’s world-reknowned Masonic Spring Workshop – Masonry in the Mountains at the Delta Kananaskis, where hundreds of brethren from all over took part in a weekend of fun, fellowship, and relaxation.

The topic this year was “The Joy of Fellowship” with RWBro. Earle Sharam from Dominion Lodge No. 117 as the keynote speaker.  His talks on humour and joy were engaging and thoughtful.

Friday evening, the brethren of Ivanhoe hosted their infamous hospitality suite and it was great to have so many brethren from various lodges stop by and engage in enlightening conversation, humour, and some singing.

Fictional Templar Author Jack Whyte was brought in and gave a talk as well as sign copies of his various books. This was a real treat to meet this excellent writer.

While no Ivanhoe brethren took part in the first Masonic Idol, it was very enjoyable to watch some excellent Masonic ritual. The winner was a past master from Dominion Lodge No. 117 in Edmonton, which lodge also won the award for having the most brethren per capita attend the workshop.

This was followed by an extremely motivating speech by Bro. Chris Tsarsos on “Happiness” which put everyone in a fantastic mood and high level of spirit.  Then Ivanhoe brethren took a stroll together soaking in the beautiful mountain view on a very pleasant April day before the big banquet dinner and evening out at the pub.

Ivanhoe Anniversary Dinner

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This year’s Ivanhoe Anniversary Dinner is on Saturday March 28, 2009, 7:30 P.M. at Shogun Japanese Restaurant on 121 Street and Jasper Avenue.  Tickets are $30. Seating is limited to 30 people and is almost sold out, so don’t delay, act now and email our Junior Warden at jw@ivanhoe142.org to reserve your tickets.

The keynote speaker for the evening is Dr. Dick Beason from the University of Alberta Economics Department who will be speaking about the Japanese economy in the 80’s and 90’s and the government stimulus and bailouts given out then compared to the same policies of the global economic crisis today.

Dick Beason received his B.A. in economics (Honors) from the University of California at Berkeley, and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan with major fields in labor economics and macroeconomics, and minor fields in econometrics and political economy.  He was briefly Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Windsor while finishing his doctoral dissertation at Michigan, and joined the University of Alberta in 1990.  He served as Visiting Scholar to the Ministry of Finance (Japan) in both 1989 and 1990, and then at the Bank of Japan during 1992-93. While on leave from the UofA he was Senior Economist with HSBC James Capel in Tokyo during 1993-95.  On another leave, he was Chief Strategist with UBS-Warburg in Tokyo.  His publications cover topics in labor economics, macroeconomics, financial economics and public policy.  His paper ‘Growth, Targeting and Econmies of Scale in Japan, 1955-1990’ in the Review of Economics and Statistics with David Weinstein is widely credited with having put the Clinton Administration off industrial policy targeting.

Dick has been married to Mariko for 26 years and has two children.  He enjoys hunting, fishing, cross country skiing, snowmobiling and motorcycling, and the odd game of squash.

“Into the Mind: Compilation of Inspiration”

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“You are about to take upon you a series of different thoughts. Take each page upon yourself with the light of your heart and candor of your soul so that the mind may open the doors of understanding. Though the willingness to understand comes the gatekeeper of knowledge; which will manifest valid experiences.”

This is how Bro. J.R. Schaefer begins his recently published first book, “Into the Mind: Compilation of Inspiration.” With that, his slender tone takes us through thoughts that, to the careful observer, are Masonicly inspiring. This is important because we live in an age in which the Craft is largely in decline. And everywhere the Brethren look for its writers, artists and thinkers of which we had plenty in prior days.

Bro. Schaefer’s work is a sudden flash of light in what seems a very dark time indeed. While darkness may prevail, the journey and the search continue. “The prize,” he tells us, “is not in the fight of the opponent, rather the fight of the self and a willingness to win.”

Read more here…

Hands On The Future!

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With an excellently executed Installation and bountiful banquet behind us, the Lodge theme for 2009 is “Hands On The Future“. Therefore, as a member or visitor, by getting involved in the lodge in whatever way you wish, you can help shape “the building” that we call Ivanhoe.  Also this year, the Lodge officers will be getting involved in the Doric Plan again to ensure that the lodge continues to be healthy and vibrant into the future.

Note that because the first Thursday of the month was on New Year’s Day, our first regular meeting is Thursday January 8th.

For all lodge dates, degree practices, and more, take at look at the Calendar link at the top to also note when the Anniversary Dinner, Lodge BBQ, and Ladies’ Night are tentatively planned for.

Visitors are always welcome at Ivanhoe!

Installation & Investiture

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The Worshipful Master Elect, Bro. David Wright
and the Officers of Ivanhoe Lodge No. 142
request the pleasure of your attendance at their


at Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton

Thursday December 18, 2008
Lodge tyles up to the 3rd degree at 6:30pm
Installation begins at 7:30pm
Hot turkey dinner banquet to follow. $15.