October: Elections, MM Degree

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First regular meeting in October on the 4th means it’s elections for WM, SW, JW, Sec., Tr., Ty., and Auditor.

On October 18th the lodge will be putting on a MM degree.

(Heads up for November…  The Annual Builders’ Night will be on Thursday Nov. 15th where the Builders’ Degree team will be putting on the EA degree.)

September: DDGM Visit and Table Lodge

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Thursday September 6, 2012, 7:30pm — Regular meeting and DDGM Official Visit, plus an educational presentation on the Fellowcraft Degree.

Thursday September 20, 2012, 7:30pm — TABLE LODGE!!!  It’s been many a year since Ivanhoe hosted its fun and frivolic Table Lodge.  Join us in the banquet room.  Scripts, toasts, and detailed instructions will be provided.  Guaranteed to be a great evening.  Vivat!

Summer Masonic reading

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While the Lodge goes ‘dark’ for July and August, what will you be reading, Masonically, this summer?  Here are some recommended books:

“Observing the Craft” by WBro. Andrew Hammer, featured author at the 2012 Masonic Spring Workshop

Observing the Craft is a manifesto of sorts for the observant Mason, who seeks quality over quantity in every aspect of Masonry.

It is a stringent argument for the Symbolic (Blue) Lodge as the ne plus ultra of the Craft, asking that Masons put actions behind their statements that ‘nothing is higher than the third degree.’

It is a book that calls for nothing but the utmost personal effort and commitment to be put into the operation of a Masonic Lodge, and the experience of a Masonic meeting, in search of the transformational experience which Masons define as ‘making good men better’.

“The Secret Psychology of Freemasonry” by WBro. Cliff Porter, featured author at the 2013 Masonic Spring Workshop

Masonic ritual contains a veiled secret which points toward a hidden psychological current, inherent in the Western Mystical Tradition. This scarcely perceivable sentient science has manifested throughout the ages within the ancient Gnostic schools, the writings of the great Hermetic philosophers, and the noble art of Freemasonry. These institutions have operated as a means of perpetuating a method of personal typology and perception, which is essential to human interaction. The intrinsic numerological correspondences of Craft ritual contain the keys to perfecting this powerful system of communication and the Self. This seminal work provides a practical framework, through which the student can master his own typology, understand the elements of perception, and utilize vital communication techniques which can unlock the very mysteries of human existence. By employing techniques as diverse as Jungian psychoanalysis, Masonic geometry, and alchemical parable, Porter has formulated a unique and timely tome that is certain to revolutionize the perceptions of contemporary Masonic culture and the means by which we articulate ideas. We can detect deception, influence others, effect positive change, and synthesize a unique cognitive vernacular, specifically crafted to convey the most profound Masonic truths.

“The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual” by WBro. Timothy Hogan, featured author at the 2011 Masonic Spring Workshop

This is the first book which establishes a direct link between the rituals of Freemasonry and the practice of both chemical and spiritual alchemy. Albert Pike understood that the symbolic degrees of Freemasonry contained alchemical secrets, but he never put the whole pattern together and showed how. This book shows these connections for the first time. This book is a must for any Freemason who wants to understand the secret meanings behind the Symbolic “Blue Lodge” ritual. Tim Hogan is a PM, 32*KCCH, KT, FRC, PSM-AMD, and Knight RC of the Royal Order of Scotland. He lectures extensively both inside and outside of the United States on Freemasonry.

The God particle found?

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GENEVA — To cheers and standing ovations from scientists, the world’s biggest atom smasher claimed the discovery of a new subatomic particle Wednesday, calling it “consistent” with the long-sought Higgs boson — popularly known as the “God particle” — that helps explain what gives all matter in the universe size and shape.

“We have now found the missing cornerstone of particle physics,” Rolf Heuer, director of the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), told scientists.

Read more…

Freemasonry suggests that its students should explore the “hidden mysteries of nature and science”.  The discovery of the potential Higgs boson is probably the most important example of coming closer to understanding those mysteries and our own relationship with the Great Architect and source of all.

Mozart and the Freemasons: A Study of ‘The Magic Flute’

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Our Master directed me to the following website which provides an excellent read on Bro. Mozart and his famed opera.

“The opera that most potently epitomises the ‘age of enlightenment’ is Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Some have disputed the influence of Mozart’s experience with Freemasonry on the work, but given the amount of symbolism and Masonic ideology evident throughout the libretto, this becomes a difficult case to argue.”

Read more here…

Fellowcraft Degree & Anniversary Luncheon

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Last week, the lodge was host to another beautiful Fellowcraft degree at our emergent meeting and on Saturday, our Anniversary Luncheon where many brethren of the lodge gathered over food and fellowship, coupled with a movie presentation on the 2011 year and an indepth discussion on the traditions and character of our beloved lodge.

400 Years of Masonic Service

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Please join the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the members of Ivanhoe Lodge #142 on Thursday, June 7th, 2012 at 7:30 pm at Freemasons Hall 10318-100 Ave., Edmonton for the presentation of Long Term Membership Awards:




Fellowcraft Degree – May 17

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Please join us for a Fellowcraft Degree on May 17th, a degree often touted amongst members of the lodge as the most important ritual of our ancient system, and likely hence why Ivanhoe prides itself on an exacting performance of it to its candidates.

The work of the Second Degree is accordingly a purely philosophical work, involving deep psychological self-analysis, experience of unusual phenomena, as the psychic faculties of the soul begin to unfold themselves, and the apprehension of abstract Truth (formerly described as mathematics).

– From “The Meaning of Masonry” by W. L. Wilmhurst.

Introduction to the Kybalion

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Tonight at our May 3rd regular meeting, tyling at 7:30pm, our Senior Warden will be giving a talk on the Introduction to the Kybalion.

The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy is a 1908 book claiming to be the essence of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, published anonymously by a group or person under the pseudonym of “the Three Initiates”.

The Kybalion was first published in 1908 by the Yogi Publication Society and is now in the public domain, and can be found on the internet. The book purports to be based upon ancient Hermeticism, though many of its ideas are relatively modern concepts arising from the New Thought movement. The book itself early in reading makes the claim that it makes its appearance in one’s life when the time is appropriate and includes variations of material found in the book of Proverbs.

Mental Transmutation

Mental Transmutation (also described as Mental Alchemy, the Art of Mental Chemistry, and the Art of Polarization) refers to the art of changing and transforming one’s own mental states and conditions, as well as influencing those of others. It is also called a form of “Mystic Psychology”.

(above from Wikipedia)

Review of: Masonic Spring Workshop 2012 – “Our Future Through Our Past”

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From April 20-22, with about 180 other Masons, eight brethren from Ivanhoe attended the annual world-renowned Masonic Spring Workshop at the Delta Lodge in Kananaskis, Alberta.

The Friday evening saw keynote speaker Bob Cooper, curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and THE foremost expert on Rosslyn Chapel give his presentation on the earliest Scottish Masonic ritual, which was followed by a lively discussion.

Then, most brethren passed through our Legendary Hospitality Suite where the finest of scotches were on hand, and excellent fellowship and discussion on Masonic topics into the wee hours.

The next morning, the brethren had breakfast and much needed coffee and attended Bro. Andrew Hammer’s inspiration talk on his recently published book “Observing the Craft”, which is a call to action for Freemasons to return to their lodge and to observe Freemasonry within our lodges by practicing the excellence that our Craft demands through quality ritual, meetings, proper dress, and festive boards and also ensuring that those who enter the West Gate are properly qualified and ready to dedicate themselves to their personal journey through the degrees.

After lunch, other seminars included Bro. B. Zawalsky’s popular historical lectures which this year featured “The Ancient Charges”.  Bro. J. Zasada gave one on proper Masonic dress and many attended the panel discussion featuring the four candidates running for Junior Grand Warden and their thoughts and views on Freemasonry in Alberta.  The afternoon seminars ended with a closing talk and discussion by Bros. Cooper and Hammer regarding their views on practicing Freemasonry into “Our Future Through Our Past”.

A couple hours of free time ensued and brethren of Ivanhoe invited Bro. Hammer on a nature walk to see the beautiful scenery that the Rocky Mountains offer.  We then stumbled into Bro. Cooper and Workshop Chairman Bro. K. Parkyn and took some photos of the mountains on a beautiful day.

The banquet dinner food and fellowship was excellent and the evening saw more hospitality suites and brethren gathering at Woody’s pub.  Once the morning interfaith devotional sermon was delivered by Rev Dr Sharam, breakfast was done and the brethren headed home.  This webmaster then went skiing at Sunshine Village for the day.

Next year…

Workshop 2013 – April 19-21 – “Say No to Nostalgia”

Keynote Speaker: Bro. Pete Normand, Grand Lodge of Texas

Guest Authors:

Bro. Christopher Hodapp, Grand Lodge of Indiana, author of “Freemasons for Dummies”, “Templar Code for Dummies”, “Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies for Dummies”, ” Solomon’s Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington DC”, and “Deciphering The Lost Symbol: Freemasons, Myths and the Mysteries of Washington D.C.”

Bro. Cliff Porter, Grand Lodge of Colorado, author of “The Secret Psychology of Freemasonry”

Visit Masonic Spring Workshop on Facebook for updates.