2012 Meeting Calendar

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Location — All meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm in 3rd floor Lodge Room “A”, Freemasons’ Hall, 103 Street – 100 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Format — Regular meetings have a shortened business agenda with a short education or honourary presentation, followed by a longer social hour in the lounge and festive board meal.  Emergent meeting formats alternate monthly between presenting degrees and a longer education presentations and discussions.  Mentorship for new brethren is also presented regularly on the preceeding degree.


1st – Business meeting:  Education:  Reflection of the three degrees by newly raised brethren.
15th – Emergent meeting:  1st degree by officers of Ivanhoe (possibly 4 candidates).

5th – Business meeting:  Master Mason Prove-Up and VSL Presentation.
19th – Emergent meeting:  Educational evening and open discussion on Masonic Spring Workshop Theme “Our Future Through Our Past” as well mentorship presentation for the new Apprentices.

3rd – Business meeting:  Education: A short paper reflecting on the first degree by the new EAs. Discussion to follow.
17th – Emergent meeting:  2nd Degree by officers of Ivanhoe.

7th – Regular meeting:  Business and awards evening. Several brethren are receiving pins, jewels, and bars.
21st – Emergent meeting:  Educational evening (to be confirmed). Mentorship training for the new Fellowcraft and all brethren.

July & August: no meetings.

6th – Business meeting:  DDGM Official Visit.  Education will be a short paper reflecting on the second degree by the new Fellowcraft.   Discussion to follow.
20th – Emergent meeting:  TABLE LODGE!

4th – Business meeting:  Education to be confirmed (hopefully a presentation by the DeMolay Chapter).
18th – Table Lodge in banquet hall:  Also to be used as a mentorship evening for the new Master Masons.

1st – Regular meeting:  Annual General Meeting and Elections. Education will be a short paper reflecting on the Third degree by the new Master Masons. Discussion to follow.
15th – Emergent meeting:  Annual Builder’s Night — 1st degree by Builder’s Degree Team.

6th – Business meeting:  Annual Officer “Step-Up” Night.  Prove-up proficiency by new Master Masons followed by VSL Presentation. (No education scheduled).
20th – Annual Installation and Investiture.  Lodge opens at 6:30 PM followed by refreshment.  Labour resumes at 7:30 PM.  Banquet to follow.

February meetings

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Thursday February 2, 2012, 7:30pm — This is a short business meeting followed by a brother from another lodge talking about “The Pilgrim’s Poem”, then a longer social hour in the lounge and festive board.

Thursday February 16, 2012, 7:30pm — This is a non-degree emergent meeting with a brother from the Canadian military leading his popular interactive seminar on proper floor work, perambulation, and protocol in a lodge room.  You don’t want to miss this!

Visitors always welcome.

Observing the Craft

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At this year’s Masonic Spring Workshop in Kananaskis, Alberta, the featured author is W.Bro. Andrew Hammer, Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, in Alexandria, VA.  Andrew has written a thought-provoking book titled “Observing the Craft – The Pursuit of Excellent in Masonic Labour and Observance”.  Why not purchase a copy online, read it, attend Workshop and have him personally sign it for you?

Third Degree – Jan. 19, 2012

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The brethren of Ivanhoe will be putting on a Third Degree for a couple brethren on Thursday January 19, 2012 at 7:30pm in Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton.  Join us, won’t you?  Festive board to follow.

Installation and Investiture

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The Worshipful Master Elect

and the Officers of

Ivanhoe Lodge No. 142

A. F. & A. M.

welcome the pleasure of your company at their




held at Freemasons’ Hall, Edmonton, Alberta on

Friday, December 16, 2011

Lodge tyles at 6:30 p.m.
Installation at 7:30 p.m.  Banquet to follow $15.

Step Up!

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On the first Thursday of every December, Ivanhoe Lodge has a meeting called “Step Up Night”.  This is where the officers-elect take their soon-to-be chairs in the lodge and ‘practice’ opening and closing the lodge in all three degrees.  The next meeting is Installation where those officers are formally invested and installed and begin their year.  It’s called “Step Up” primarily because the Junior Warden’s chair is one step up, the Senior Warden’s is two, and the Master’s is three and lodges usually have their officers move one step up in a progressive line year after year “through the chairs”.

This Thursday December 1st is no exception.  Lodge tyles at 7:30pm.

Lest We Forget

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Brethren from all Edmonton lodges are encouraged to wear regalia and attend the Remembrance Day Ceremonies at the U of A Butterdome.  Meet at the Southwest corner by the climbing wall at about 10am.

The Brethren of Ivanhoe remember its fallen brethren and honour those men currently among our ranks who risked their lives for the cause of freedom.  We salute you.

Ladies’ Night Banquet and Dance – Nov. 12

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The Worshipful Master and the Officers of

Ivanhoe Lodge No. 142
A. F. & A. M.

request the pleasure of you and your lady at the annual

Ladies’ Night

Banquet & Dance

to be held at The Royal Glenora Club, Edmonton, Alberta

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Cocktails at 5:30 p.m.
Dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Dance to follow featuring live jazz and pop with

The Laura Swankey Band

Visit Laura’s website here.
Limited tickets available at $70 per person
RSVP with the Worshipful Master.

Elections & “Methods of Alignment” – Oct. 6th

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At our regular meeting on October 6, 2011, not only do we have elections of officers for the 2012 year, but an esteemed Past Master will be giving a most enlightening presentation on “Methods of Alignment” that will surely spark your interest as regards geometry, the working tools of a Mason, and esoteric concepts. It’s one you will not want to miss.

(Please note that we will not be having an Emergent Meeting on October 20.  In lieu, we encourage all brethren to visit Exemplar Lodge #175 who meets at the same time but in Lodge Room “B”.)

Builders’ Night

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For over four decades, Ivanhoe Lodge hosts brethren from the construction/building industry to put on a first degree for our candidate(s). It always takes place on the third Thursday in September and this year is no exception. Lodge tyles at 7:30, September 15. Festive board to follow.