Location — All meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm in 3rd floor Lodge Room “A”, Freemasons’ Hall, 103 Street – 100 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Format — Regular meetings have a shortened business agenda with a short education or honourary presentation, followed by a longer social hour in the lounge and festive board meal. Emergent meeting formats alternate monthly between presenting degrees and a longer education presentations and discussions. Mentorship for new brethren is also presented regularly on the preceeding degree.
1st – Business meeting: Education: Reflection of the three degrees by newly raised brethren.
15th – Emergent meeting: 1st degree by officers of Ivanhoe (possibly 4 candidates).
5th – Business meeting: Master Mason Prove-Up and VSL Presentation.
19th – Emergent meeting: Educational evening and open discussion on Masonic Spring Workshop Theme “Our Future Through Our Past” as well mentorship presentation for the new Apprentices.
3rd – Business meeting: Education: A short paper reflecting on the first degree by the new EAs. Discussion to follow.
17th – Emergent meeting: 2nd Degree by officers of Ivanhoe.
7th – Regular meeting: Business and awards evening. Several brethren are receiving pins, jewels, and bars.
21st – Emergent meeting: Educational evening (to be confirmed). Mentorship training for the new Fellowcraft and all brethren.
July & August: no meetings.
6th – Business meeting: DDGM Official Visit. Education will be a short paper reflecting on the second degree by the new Fellowcraft. Discussion to follow.
20th – Emergent meeting: TABLE LODGE!
4th – Business meeting: Education to be confirmed (hopefully a presentation by the DeMolay Chapter).
18th – Table Lodge in banquet hall: Also to be used as a mentorship evening for the new Master Masons.
1st – Regular meeting: Annual General Meeting and Elections. Education will be a short paper reflecting on the Third degree by the new Master Masons. Discussion to follow.
15th – Emergent meeting: Annual Builder’s Night — 1st degree by Builder’s Degree Team.
6th – Business meeting: Annual Officer “Step-Up” Night. Prove-up proficiency by new Master Masons followed by VSL Presentation. (No education scheduled).
20th – Annual Installation and Investiture. Lodge opens at 6:30 PM followed by refreshment. Labour resumes at 7:30 PM. Banquet to follow.
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